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The AIS NZ started with informal meetings of our non-catholic integrated schools in 1984. These meetings followed the annual meeting of the Association of Proprietors’ of Integrated Schools at the Airport Hotel, Wellington. As the numbers of non-catholic schools grew it became apparent that there was sufficient interest to move to a more formal arrangement and it was agreed it would be prudent to have a forum where non-catholic schools could discuss matters that were relevant to their schools. In June 1988 interested schools met at the Catholic Education Office and Peter Mirams (Waikato Diocesan School) was elected Chairman and Brian Cheer (Nga Tawa School) was elected Secretary/Treasurer. The first formal meeting of the new Association of Integrated Schools New Zealand was held in June 1989 with a total of thirteen schools attending. AIS NZ continued to grow as more schools integrated and the total number of member schools is approximately 70 today.

PURPOSE Statement

To advocate for, inform and support State Integrated Schools Special Character Education in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Objectives of AIS NZ are
  1. to advance education in New Zealand and in particular to advance education in New Zealand which includes a commitment to teaching spiritual or moral truths and values or a particular educational philosophy;

  2. to safeguard and promote the interest of Integrated Schools, particularly Member Schools;

  3. to encourage the formation of new Integrated Schools, particularly those who will be eligible for membership of the Association;

  4. to promote public interest in and support for Integrated Schools, and particularly those who are members of the Association;

  5. to safeguard and improve the terms of employment and working conditions of those working in Member Schools;

  6. to act in co-operation with the government or any other institution, Authority, Board, Society, Association or Committee working for the advancement of education and the promotion of the objects of the Association;

  7. to affiliate with any other Association or organisations which have similar objects;

  8. to do all things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them; and in constructing the foregoing objects, the constructions of any clause shall not be construed or restricted by reference to any other clause.


Please click here to view the Constitution